Together, We Help shared stories of people coming together in Scotland to support each other during COVID-19.
As part of a national research project, Together, We Help have collated stories of local action taken across Scotland, whether that’s food drop-offs, support of neighbours, calls to older residents and more. This research helped shine a light on how local communities play a critical role in our future and how we can build forward better, creating a fairer Scotland for all.

Delve into the Report
The final Together, We Help report is available and shines a light on the power of communities to mobilise and initiate social action in response to the issues that matter to them.
Click here to read the full report.
Click here to watch the video for a snapshot of the research.
Explore the Stories
The stories from the Together, We Help project are an archive of the stories of community, compassion, connection and how people helped and supported each other during the pandemic.
View a pdf of a collation of stories captured as part of the Together, We Help project.

About the Project
Social Action Inquiry Scotland was due to start in 2020, but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic more people began doing social action.
The Partners of the Inquiry decided to use part of the Inquiry’s funding to commission a consultancy group, The Collective, to deliver a research project collating stories about social action during the pandemic. This national research project became Together, We Help.
Together, We Help focused on:
Learning from communities through co-production. From September to November 2020, The Collective worked with community researchers to ensure local voices and those involved in social action lead the development of the research commissioned by the partnership.
Learning about and promoting the social action that communities have taken to help one another through those difficult times.
Recommending ways we can build a fairer Scotland through community action and how we can work to make communities coming together a bigger part of life in Scotland.
This project is an archive of the stories of community, compassion, connection and how people helped and supported each other during the pandemic.