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Helping Change Happen 

A creative guidebook which honours and is congruent of the facts, feelings and experiences of Social Action Inquiry Scotland. Designed with Friendhood Ltd.

The words "Helping Change Happen, Social Action Inquiry Scotland" are in the centre of the page against a white background. Four abstract shapes in green, purple, red and blue are at the edges of the image.
A simple block graphic of an open book in black against a white background.

What will it do?

Helping Change Happen is a guidebook that intends to be an enjoyable resource to anchor and affirm the work you do, disrupt and create space for learning to expand what’s possible in your work, and prompt movement and change so we can address the inequities we experience. Most of all the guidebook hopes to enable you, in whatever work you do, to do more of what helps and less of what hinders social action. Helping Change Happen is split into four vibrant Time to Themes.

What can you find within it?

A simple graphic of a compass in black against a white background.

The Journey of Social Action Inquiry Scotland

A simple plain graphic of a pair of glasses in black against a white background.

Overview of Each Theme

A simple, block graphic of a megaphone in black against a white background.

Community Stories Shared and Gathered Along the Way

A simple, block graphic of a ladder in black against a white background.

What Helps and Hinders Social Action

A simple block graphic of three waves in black against a white background.

Learnings and Unlearnings from the Inquiry Process

A simple block graphic of an arrow in black against a white background.

Calls for Action

A simple block graphic of a mug in black against a white background.

A Moment to Reflect

A simple, block graphic of a pair of scissors in black against a white background.

Resources and Tools for the Path Ahead

A simple block graphic of a spiral fan in black against a white background.

Connecting the Inquiry to Wider Calls for Change

A simple block graphic of a key in black against a white background.

How to access it?

Physical copies of Helping Change Happen were supplied at the Inquiry’s event Strengthening Social Action in Scotland on the 5th December 2024.

A PDF version of Helping Change Happen is available below for download.

A simple, block graphic of a pair of scissors in black against a white background.

Explore the Resources and Tools Within

Time to Reflect

1. Reflective Practice episode, Wavicle Podcast

Follow along with this episode via Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube. Access the transcript and the show notes for the Reflective Practice episode.

2. Power Flower Tool: Understanding our Power, Privilege, Trauma and Marginalisation.

This tool is available as a Word Document and as a PDF.

3. Fields of Conversation Tool

This tool is available as a Word Document and as a PDF.

Time to Relate

4. Speaking Truth to Power Tool: Reflecting on the Storytelling Process

This tool is available as a Word Document and as a PDF.

5. Example Flow of a Relational Meet

This tool is available as a Word Document and as a PDF.

6. Transparency and Systems episode, Wavicle Podcast

Follow along with this episode via Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

Access the transcript and the show notes to the Transparency & Systems episode.

7. Social Action and Relational Work episode, Wavicle Podcast

Follow along with this episode via Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube.

Access the transcript and show notes for the Social Action & Relational Work episode.

Time to Trust

8. Memorandum of Understanding Template

This resource is available as a Word Document.

9. Sharing Resources Creatively: A Resource with Alternative Ways to Navigate Barriers for Transferring Financial Resources

This resource is available as a Word Document.

10. Storytelling episode, Wavicle Podcast

Follow along with this episode via Spotify, Apple Podcast and YouTube.

Access the transcript and show notes for the Reflective Practice episode.

Time to Heal

11. Insights into What Helps and Hinders Social Action

This resource is available as a Word Document and as a PDF.

12. Laughter Yoga Resources

 links to relevant videos on laughter yoga on Youtube:

(i) History of Laughter Yoga, Dr Madan Kataria, 7:43 minutes. Access it on YouTube here.

(ii) Five minutes of instructional laughter yoga, Dr Madan Kataria, 5:21 minutes. Access it on YouTube here.

(iii) Laugh with Laughter Guru, Dr Madan Kataria, 10:14 minutes. Access it on YouTube here.

(iv) Laughter Yoga Alone, Dr Madan Kataria, 7:20 minutes. Access it on YouTube here.

Resources Section

13. Nomination Process – Guidance for Nominating Communities, as Part of Social Action Inquiry Scotland.

This resource is available as a Word Document and as a PDF.