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Helps and Hinders Insights.

Drawn directly from the community stories, these 12 insights highlight what helps and hinders the social action of communities across Scotland.

Graphics by Stein Design.

An abstract block shape of a bird flying.


Showing Up and Being There

Intersecting Identities


Discrimination and Exclusion

Collective Action

Financial Resource

Power of Individuals and Their Agency

Marketisation and Competition for Support

Tiredness, Exhaustion and Burnout

Joy and Connection


Want to see all the learnings in one resource?

A simple plain graphic of a pair of glasses in black against a white background.

Explore our Guidebook Helping Change Happen.

Wavicle Podcast

Explore our 8 episode podcast series Wavicle in the resources section.

Wavicle is the podcast series that reflects on the process of being part of Social Action Inquiry Scotland. We delve into what has emerged for us during this process of being part of the Inquiry, we highlight our learnings and unlearnings, and we explore the topics that have been rooted within us.