We are striving to be transparent change makers. Within this resource section we have included resources that we have created as part of the journey of Social Action Inquiry Scotland.
They range from podcast series, to guidebooks, to zines and maps. We invite you to explore any of the resources which land with you.

Wavicle is an 8 episode podcast series that captures conversations with the core team, Guides and storytellers as they explore the topics that have been rooted within us during the Inquiry.

Helping Change Happen is a guidebook that intends to be an enjoyable resource to anchor and affirm the work you do, disrupt and create space for learning to expand what’s possible in your work, and prompt movement and change so we can address the inequities we experience.

Time to Reflect: Create Your Own Reflective Practice Kit is a tool and zine, offering aspects that you may want to include or consider when creating a “kit” for embarking on a reflective practice journey.

Use the Time to Relate: Create Your Own Map of Social Action tool to contribute and create your own map of social action to foster a shift from isolated work to a collaborative, relational ecosystem.

This policy review identifies some of the opportunities for influencing decision makers and policy based upon the findings from Social Action Inquiry Scotland.